Tag: Walter R. Brooks

Freddy the Pied Piper by Walter R. Brooks

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ISBN 13: 978-1-58567-226-4
Trim Size: 5 x 7.75



Book Description

Illustrations by Kurt Wiese

The Freddy books have been selected by four book clubs, and the audio and film rights sold. Viva Freddy!

When the circus falls on hard times, Freddy concocts a plan to raise money by driving out the mice in a nearby village. However, he must also contend with angry farm mice, kidnapping, and a dangerous trek to Virginia.

After all his hard work, Mr. Broomschmidt, the circus owner, refuses to accept any charity, and Freddy must find some other way to save his beloved circus. In Freddy the Pied Piper, Walter Brooks has told yet another rollicking, humorous adventure tale with wonderful illustrations by the inimitable Kurt Wiese.

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