SDHC VS SDXC | What is difference and Which One is Best For You?
SDHC VS SDXC: Millions of peoples around the world use SD cards daily, but most of them commonly misjudged. SD Cards are used in different daily life devices such as digital cameras, computers, smartphones, and also for gaming systems. Basically, it is a medium to keep your data in your hand with a portable SD card.
Also, it provides you the ability to transfer a lot of data in seconds. Most of the people in the world misunderstand the different types of SD Cards. That is why they search for Micro SDHC VS SDXC. This article is all about differentiating SD VS SDHC VS SDXC.
It will provide you a lot of information to understand the types of SD Cards and SDHC VS SDXC. There are different SD Cards available in the market which helps you to store data. There are different SD cards in the market which we use to keep or transfer data between different devices.
What is the difference between SD, SDHC, and SDXC?
Moreover, SD is known as “Secure Digital”, as the name shows that it is all about storing digital data in a secure way. SDHC is known as”Secure Digital High Capacity”, and SDHC Card defines that it is used to store digital data in high capacity in a secure way.
SDXC stands for”Secure Digital Extended Capacity” which is used to store digital information in extended capacity. So, the basic difference between SDHC and SDXC is to define as it allows storage up to 4GB to 32GB. Similarly, SDXC provides you cards incapacity of more than 32GB.
A lot of people question about is any difference in the quality or speed between SDHC and SDXC. So, the answer is No. There is no difference between the quality and speed or insecurity. Your data will be safe and secure in both types of SD Cards.
Furthermore, the only thing that can affect the speed is the “CLASS” of the card which you are using. The “CLASS” of the card is written into the card. The speed of the transfer of data depends on the “CLASS” of the card. There are multiple types of cards are available in different ranges of“CLASS” from 2 to 10. The cards that are available are SD, SDHC, and SDXC. Also, “CLASS 2” provides you the speed of transfer speed is up to 2MB/s.
Speed Classes
As I mentioned earlier there are various classes in SD card which are written in the back of the SD card. The mentioned class tells you about the speed of the card. When we talk about the SDHC vs SDXC then it is also based on the transfer speed.
There are many people who have a belief that the transfer of data is not dependent upon whether it is an SDHC or SDXC card. Also, the classes of the cards are denoted by a number. In general, there are 4 standard speed classes those are: 2, 4, 6, and 10. And the 2 is the slowest and the fastest is 10.
If you have a card then it must have a class number on its back.SDXC Class 10 is the fastest card. The card which has class number 10, is the fastest transfer speed which is used to transfer large files quickly in a few minutes.
SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity)
SD stands for Secure Digital and SDHC define as (Secure Digital High Capacity). It is a standard card that is used worldwide to store information portable. We all use multiple types of cards on our mobile phones, tablets, computers, digital cameras, and other devices. There are two types of standard SD cards SDHC and SDXC.
Both SDHC and SDXC are two commonly used SD cards, and there are few differences between SDHC and SDXC cards, but the main difference is capacity. The normal SD card storage capacity limit is 2 GB and SDHC was started storage of more than 2GB, and SDHChas a limit of 32GB storage capacity. You can store data of 32 GB in a secure way and it has good security so your data will be safe. The speed of the SDHC depends on the CLASS of the card.
SDHC Memory Card is also a type of SD card that is used commonly. It is used to transfer storage by portable memory cards which we can use in cameras and smartphones but it has limited storage capacity. Moreover, in the past SD cards only have a storage capacity of 2GB, but SDHC cards have a storage capacity of from 4GB to 32GB. SDHC has a slow transfer speed when we search for an SD card for camera use then it must have a high speed to transfer information quickly.
SDXC (Secure Digital Extended Capacity)
SDXC stands for “Secure Digital Extended Capacity”. Furthermore, if you are searching for the latest type of memory card that is SDXC. Also, this format has a version of 3.01 of the SD conditions, and it has a storage capacity of up to 2TB.
It is used to store large-sized files with complete security and also it has more transfer speed than SDHC. In addition, SDXC implements EXFAT, which is one of the Windows file systems as a required feature that is used to handle large data capacities such as the file which has sizes more than 4GB.
SDXC Card provides you high transfer speed which is very important to transfer data. Furthermore, the SDXC card provides you a maximum of 300MB/s. So, SDXC is a faster transfer speed as compared to SDHC. Also, you can store more data in SDXC as compare to SDHC. SDXC is most used all over the world because it has high transfer rates and high storage capacity.
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