Tag: Eric Thomas Height

Eric Thomas Bio-Wiki

Eric Thomas is a true story of motivation. He has gone from being homeless to working incredibly hard to succeed. Eric Thomas Quotes is about Love, Life, and Success. After being homeless, he picked himself up, went back to school, and finally did GED. He is now in the world of a motivational speech, and if you are looking for inspiration, Eric Thomas is the person you must follow.

Also, Read About:  Eric Thomas Net Worth 2024, Age, Wife, YouTube, Bio-Wiki

Eric Thomas quotes are surprisingly impressive, as are his videos and speeches on YouTube. I suggest you check out his YouTube channel if you haven’t already. Buy Eric Thomas’ latest book on Amazon: The Ground: The New Handbook for Success

There are 30 Eric Thomas Quotes from the amazing and powerful message about Love, Life, and success.

30 Motivational Eric Thomas Quotes

  1. “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”– Eric Thomas
  2. “Don’t make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what’s actually good for you.” – Eric Thomas
  3. “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”– Eric Thomas
  4. “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”– Eric Thomas
  5. “At some point in life you have to face your fears.”– Eric Thomas
  6. “You can’t sleep. Broke people sleep. You got to be willing to sacrifice sleep, if you sleep you may miss the opportunity to be successful.”– Eric Thomas
  7. “Success is not for the weak and uncommitted… Sometimes it’s gonna hurt!”– Eric Thomas
  8. “What you envision in your mind, how you see yourself, and how you envision the world around you is of great importance because those things become your focus.”– Eric Thomas
  9. “Both desire and imagination are stored in the mind of the individual and when stretched, both have the potential to position a person for greatness.”– Eric Thomas
  10. “I wanted to surround myself with the kind of people who could help me turn my life around; people whom I could rub up against like iron and be sharpened.”– Eric Thomas
  11. “I use pain to push me to greatness”– Eric Thomas
  12. “If you’re not where you are if you’re not where you want to be if you don’t have what you want to have. If you’re not where you think you should be at this particular place. It has nothing to do with the system, but it has everything to do with the fact that you’re not making the sacrifice.”– Eric Thomas
  13. “You will never ever be successful until you turn your pain into greatness until you allow your pain to push you from where you are to push you to where you need to be. Stop running from your pain and embrace your pain. Your pain is going to be a part of your prize, a part of your product. I challenge you to push yourself.”– Eric Thomas
  14. “The only way to get out of mediocrity is to keep shooting for excellence.” – Eric Thomas
  15. “Most of you don’t want success as much as you want to sleep!”– Eric Thomas
  16. “I learned that a real friendship is not about what you can get, but what you can give. Real friendship is about making sacrifices and investing in people to help them improve their lives.” – Eric Thomas
  17. “Everybody wants to be a beast until it’s time to do what real beasts do.” – Eric Thomas
  18. “The difference between those who succeed and fail: not taking advantage of opportunities.” – Eric Thomas
  19. “Success is never on discount! Greatness is never on sale! Greatness is never half off! It’s all or nothing! It’s all day, every day! Greatness is never on discount!” – Eric Thomas
  20. “Sometimes it ain’t about being the most talented. Also, sometimes it ain’t about being the smartest. Sometimes it’s not even about working the hardest. Sometimes it’s about consistency! Consistency!” – Eric Thomas
  21. “The only way to get out of mediocrity is to keep shooting for excellence.” – Eric Thomas
  22. “Everybody has a dream, but not everybody has a grind.” – Eric Thomas
  23. “You can’t cheat the grind, it knows hows much you’ve invested, it won’t give you nothing you haven’t worked for.” – Eric Thomas
  24. “You ain’t average! But you know what? You’re playing small because it’s easier to be average.” – Eric Thomas
  25. “When you’re great! You attract great! When you’re average! You attract average.” – Eric Thomas
  26. “I’ve been trying to tell y’all, it’s not your circumstances or situation, that determines if you gonna be successful or not. I’ve been telling you it’s your mindset! It’s the way you see it. It’s the way you think it right!”– Eric Thomas
  27. “You are the executive director and screenwriter of your life.” – Eric Thomas
  28. “Stop the blame game. Stop looking out the window and look in the mirror!” – Eric Thomas
  29. “If you’re going to go to your next level, your values are going to have to change.” – Eric Thomas
  30. “No alarm clock needed. My passion wakes me.” – Eric Thomas
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