Tag: Belfort Jordan

Jordan Belfort Bio-Wiki

Jordan Ross Belfort is a motivational speaker in the USA. He is a successful businessman. As a Granite production, Jordan Belfort sold his rights to the memories of about $1.045. As of 2024, Jordan Belfort’s net worth is $-100 million.

His interest in stockbroker and he did end well, as a result, he spending his 22 months in jail. Jordan Belfort in jail he has published the two memoirs which he bought and produced as a movie The Wolf of Wall Street. As of 2024, Jordan Ross Belfort’s age is 5 years.

Personal Information

Birth Name: Jordan Ross Belfort
NickName: The Wolf of Wall street
Mother Name: Leah Belfort
Father Name: Max Belfort
Date of Birth: 9 July 1962
Nationality: American
Profession: Business Man
Marital Status: Married
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Distinct feature
Religion: Jewish
Ethnicity: American
Weight: 67 kg
Jordan Ross Belfort Height: 1.7m
Children: 2
Jordan Ross Belfort Net Worth: -$100 Million
Jordan Ross Belfort Ex-Wife: Nadine Cridi
Siblings: Robert Belfort
Relationship: Engaged to Anne Koppe

Career & Life

Where is Jordan Belfort now?

Jordan Belfort was born in the Bronx on 9 July 1962 in the USA. Jordan Belfort’s net worth was $100 million. He was a founder of a financial brokerage firm; he was most famous for the founder of that firm. The firm was starting its success in the 90s and at one point employed in his firm over 1000.

Is Wolf of Wall Street a true story?

He made Million in the 1990s. And handled approximately $1 billion assets. In 1998 Jordan Belfort indicated money laundering. That’s why he spends 22 months in jail. In which Jordan Belfort wrote two memories in 2008. After next year he released the next memoirs in which he explained his life after his arrest. Some sources he made $2 million with two books and a film.

Belfort Jordan House

Jordan Belfort was a party-hard lifestyle. The two acres of land space and his home was 8706 square foot. In which five bedrooms and situated one Island. Multiple neighborhoods. In which big entertaining rooms. In which a big garage in which enough space and accommodate in 3 cars. Furthermore, Belfort Jordan in the house the two big pools that house is perfect for the hosting parties.

Wife and kids

Jordan Belfort EX Wife Nadine Caridi and Denise Lombardo. Also, Jordan Belfort divorced his first wife. After that he got married to a British-born model name was Nadine Cridi. Nadine Caridi Net Worth $2 million. Jordan Belfort was met at a party. It is reported that his affair starts when he was still married to his first wife. He decided to divorce his first wife.

After that wading took place with Cridi. After that, the two children have blessed him. Jordan Belfort’s daughter, his only daughter who lives in Allentown. Belfort’s Jordan son’s name was Carter. Jordan Belfort age 58.

How much is Jordan Belfort worth now?

As of 2024, Jordan Belfort’s net worth is $-100 million.

Year Jordan Belfort Net Worth
2018 $100 Million
2017 $100 million
2016 unknown
2015 unknown
2014 Unknown

Social Media Links

Jordan Belfort had more than 182K followers on Twitter. Jordan Belfort a very popular personality in social media and he personally shared his photos and videos to his social media sites to engage his fans.

Here are some social media links available to follow Jordan Belfort.

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wolfofwallst/?hl=en
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/jordanbelfort/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: @wolfofwallst
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBRUa4TZqHk


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